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Young, ambitious and passionate about taking on new challenges & opportunities, and advancing ministry as we achieved so many dreams for ourselves and many others through many exciting projects and events. Share Love! And you will see many miracles and wonders

Along the way, opportunities and projects presented themselves in many avenues that tied into our natural abilities to personalize, and tailor solutions for our clients directly. Invitations and opportunities became experiences that led to success stories, and the rest is history. We worked relentlessly through many obstacles to strive towards delivering the highest level of excellence with each venture, project and event.

With over four decades of experience in producing musicians, choreographing shows, pageants and performances, concerts, sport events, conferences, regional shows, exhibitions, business store deployment, project management and live theatre, all formed a part of our timeline and wealth of experiences. From lighting up stages of all sizes, delivering productions for artists from Africa to North America, our business has been built on relationships, personalized experiences, attention to detail, and marketing aptitude in meeting the needs of our selected clients.

Having worked with Euro Vision, DJ’s from UK, Europe and Africa, a solid history in event planning (hospitality & design), project management and a turn key solution for clients, our overall portfolio has positioned us well as Your Personal (or preferred) Marketing & Event Partners.



"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead."


Oscar Wilde

There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the




 of living"


Nelson Mandela

Success consists of going from failure to failure




Winston Churchill



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